Oh hi! My name is Yvonne and I'm the founder of Happy Path healing. When I started this business, I didn't really have a clear vision of what I wanted it to be, all I knew was that the practices of self healing I learned had changed my life so radically and in such a positive way, that I needed to share them with the world.
How it started..
Growing up I was constantly surrounded by the drama of my teenaged parents who through no fault of their own, had not yet learned about loving themselves let alone, raising children. There was constant screaming and arguing, physical abuse, lying, cheating, attempted suicide and drug addiction. I left home at 15 and after bouncing around for a while I managed to "do well" at life. That's what most people would have thought if they met me but that was far from reality. Despite having a comfortable home, car, two well behaved kids and a 6 figure corporate job, I was barely living and repeating many of the same unhealthy coping methods at home and with my kids.
It was in 2018 when a friend introduced me to Reiki that things began to change. I was sceptical until a treatment significantly calmed my nerves and improved my mental clarity before a major event, and then my daughter had a treatment that provided some valuable insight, giving her the confidence to audition for a school for the arts and make it. I knew there was something there.
I started practicing Reiki in 2019, and my love of life and creative energy had come back to me. I stopped taking ADHD medication, tapped into the things and people that I loved, I started to draw, take acting and drum lessons, and regained my social life..
In 2021 when I was reorganized out of a job with an organization I'd given 20+ years, it didn't devastate me. I was able to see it as an opportunity to continue my healing journey. I had completed Reiki levels 1 through 3, so began my Reiki Master Teacher Training and at 52, I made the bold decision to let go of my home and belongings to travel the world and expand my healing modalities.
How it's going.. Since then, I've explored many countries, and met many incredible people while I volunteered and studied. I studied self healing in South America, Yoga and Meditation in India and Thailand, and trained in Quantum Healing Hypnosis while living in Cambodia just 15 minutes from the largest ancient spiritual structures in the world, Angkor Wat.
These experiences have changed the essence of my being, and I would love to have the opportunity to share my wisdom with you and learn a little more about me in the process.
I named my business based on a term that was used very often in my previous (corporate) career. The "happy path" is used in website development and testing to describe the steps in a website's user flow, as they were supposed to be. The dictionary definition is.. "a situation in which everything happens as it is supposed to, with no faults; the happy path is meant to describe the ideal process, without any exceptions or alternate paths."
Given the nature of the businesses were so different, it was a little tongue in cheek (which I liked), but that’s not the only reason. I liked it because when I started practicing and teaching self healing, I truly felt like I was on a path that WAS exactly as it was supposed to be, and it felt incredible. Everyday I trust I am on the exact path I’m supposed to be. That doesn't mean every day will be incredible. The thing is, there is no perfect path all the time. We are (thank goodness) constantly changing and evolving and “exceptions and alternate paths” are imminent. It’s how we react to them that determines how happy we'll be. We can choose to feel defeated by them, or (with practice) we can embrace them as opportunities to grow and learn.